Tag Archives: Arizona Iced Teas

Arizona Iced Teas, Wicked Witches, Frat Guys, and Mr. Immature??

20 Apr

Dearest Cosmic Universe,

This has got to be a sick and twisted joke, right?

Let’s venture back a couple months ago (or re-read Wicked Witch of the Frat House) to the last time I spoke to Mr. Immature. That was in, let’s say, October. And suddenly, MONTHS later, he decides to act like we never had a falling out?! You are kidding me, right? How can the words, “I will not be your friend if you are dating that Psychotic B…Witch!” be confusing?? (Come on, little kiddies could stubble upon this!) I’m pretty sure I could not have made that any simpler. But, the past two weeks we have run into each other countless times- getting a bit more daring. Each time, he stands there awkwardly trying to talk to me, holding a door open, etc.

And I thought it was just going to continue with this awkwardness until we ended for Summer, where I would go home- free from Mr. Immature. I thought wrong. The other night I sat in his fraternity house with his brothers, catching up on our week and just relaxing before turning in early-ish to get up in time for an 8:30 class. Well, while I sat there, in walked Mr. Immature. This was no surprise, considering he is a brother of the house… But what got me was when he ignored the entire room and spoke to just me, like we had never had a falling out, like we spoke every day, and that we were still quite close. Hahahaha. I choked on my nummy Arizona iced tea, and could barely utter a word as he spoke.

Was he really giving me crap for not speaking to him, saying hi, or acting like we were friends? Last time I checked, I was sure I ended our friendship. Apparently, Mr. Immature missed the memo. I made up some dumb excuse about being in the middle of drinking when he walked in, to hopefully cover my current flabbergasted appearance. I think he bought it…maybe. But it didn’t end there.

He decided to prolong my pain by standing there for the next half an hour telling me about his classes for the fall, and I thought I was safe by the fact that biffle and Mr. Immature share the same major…but alas, I was not. He made sure I was part of that very lonnnngggg conversation.

Cosmic Universe, is this Karma for skipping class last week due to a hangover? Or is my luck really just that shitty?

Excuse me as I ponder,
Little Miss University